
M.I.L.K Study

Mother’s Input on a Lactational ToolKit to teach breast milk hand expression

Why is this study being done?

Hand expression can be used to help produce breast milk, relieve hard (engorged) breasts or a clogged milk duct, collect breast milk that can be fed to a baby after birth, and help mothers breastfeed for longer. Hand expression involves massaging the breast to stimulate the release of breast milk. Hand expression can be performed both before and after a baby is born. The current literature suggests that pregnant women who practice hand expression before a baby is born or shortly after birth are more likely to successfully start breastfeeding and exclusively breastfeed for the recommended six months. Although hand expression of breast milk can be helpful, there are not a lot of resources available to teach individuals how to manually express breast milk. This study is being conducted to collect feedback on an educational toolkit that has been created to help teach individuals how to hand express their breast milk. The feedback we receive will be used to improve the toolkit. 

What will happen during the study?

If you agree to be in the study, you will answer a survey one (1) time at some point during or after your pregnancy. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. We hope that 250 people will answer the survey. The survey will ask questions about your impression of the toolkit (e.g., clarity, readability, informative, visually pleasing, and usefulness) and about you (e.g., age, language, breastfeeding history)

How do I participate?

Please click one of the links below to complete the survey in the language of your choice: 

English Survey

French Survey

What if I still have questions?

If you have questions about taking part in this study, you can talk the research staff at kalibhai@ohri.ca